The potency is a reflection of the health of men. Problems with the sexual possibilities of the man meets and can speak about the presence of pathologies in the body. To understand how quickly the potency increase at home, you first need to determine the cause of the sexual disorders.

What is potency
Potency — the ability of the men to the carrying out of sexual intercourse. Low potency, or its full absence is not an obstacle to, to have Sex. To take in the case of erectile dysfunction necessary measures. To improve the potency may we need to start our life style to eat special food supplements or medications.
On what does the potency
There are a variety of factors that influence the sexual functions. Among them distinguish:
- Hormone levels;
- life style;
- the psychological state.
Sports and daily activity a positive effect on male health. In men, the sit much, Libido, and erections much weaker. Also on the sexual functions of testosterone affect in blood and spirit. Long-term stress leads to a decrease in the potency.
The causes of sexual disorders
Among the causes of sexual disorders are distinguished:
- Inflammation of the prostate gland;
- the reduction in the levels of testosterone;
- The Stress in their lives or experiences before the sexual intercourse;
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Disorders of blood circulation in the Penis and pelvis;
- chronic fatigue.

Weak sexual functions in connection with psychological or physiological problems. After the liberation of the reason potency is restored.
To improve as possible in the home environment
In order to improve the male force in the conditions of the home, you can use of pills, traditional methods, or physical exercises. A holistic approach will help, the most significant results.
The use of pills
Special medications, the erection — the best solution, if there is a Problem with psychological complaints. In General, pills traffic for the reinforcement of the capacity to apply before sex.
Traditional Methods
By the treatment of people options can provide the body with the missing elements, eliminate sluggish inflammation and Stress and improves the General condition.
Tinctures and decoctions for increasing the potency
Various tinctures and decoctions — the preferred Form of application of many natural resources. The use of the Suds inside and thus achieve the desired effect in a short period of time.
Tincture from the leaves of the nettle
For the preparation you will need 200 G of fresh nettle with 500 ml of vodka. Liquid must insist, a few days in a closed pot, then strain and drink 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach in 3-6 weeks.

This plant has many useful properties. Agents that stimulate on the base of fenugreek, the immune system and enable it to fight with a male disease. The broth in General, the seeds are used. 2 TSP scraped-off seed brewing needed in 250 ml of boiling water. The broth is ml 2 times a day 120.
Soda a popular remedy, frequently used in folk medicine. For increasing the potency of Soda can be used topically, if there are any inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. The intake has no effects on Libido and erection.
Aspen Bark
In the aspen bark contains large amounts of nutrients. It can be used to make the broth for inclusion in or for local use. Taking can struggling with diseases of the genitourinary system. Local application helps to eliminate balanoposthitis.
Nettle — a plant with a mestnorazdrajatee effects. What is the improvement of the blood supply. The nettle can be locally in the area of the small pelvis, but also inwardly applied. Dry nettle can be applied to the preparation of the next decoction: 2 tablespoons of dried nettle pour 500 ml boiling water and infused within 2 hours. The ready-to-drink liquid in a dosage of 100 ml, 2 times a day.
A perennial plant, which has a number of useful effects. Calamus-root shall, for the preparation of decoctions. 20 G finely chopped root pour 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting liquid is 3 times of the day to 65 ml. the Tool has an antioxidant effect.
Decoctions Ivan-tea, allow to supply the people with important trace elements and vitamins. This has a positive effect on the whole body and sexual function. Fireweed improves the psychological state, but also contributes to the improvement of the immunity and hemoglobin.
A drink from ginger
For the preparation of a beverage to about 8 G of ginger, 2 slices of lemon, 2 TSP of honey and 500 ml of boiling water. Ginger cleaned from the shell, is poured with other components in a bowl and add boiling water. Thereafter, the liquid must be give and add 2 tablespoons of honey.
St. John's wort
Herb St. John's wort has a large number of pharmacological effects. The Infusion of St. John's wort has the following useful properties: antispasmodic effect, shows anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial action, has a sedative effect on the nervous system. For the preparation of medicines on the Basis of St. John's wort, the ready-to-pharmacies-grass.
Herbaceous plant, the immune stimulating, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Also, this herb has a positive effect on potency. For the preparation you will need 20 G of flowers of lungwort, pour 200 ml of boiling water. The broth daily for 2 weeks.
This plant homeopathic anti-bacterial, anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. In the thyme grass contains large amounts of vitamins. To achieve in the presence of diseases of the reproductive system through the use of this herb can cure quickly.
Therapeutic Mixtures
Medical mixtures are included in the diet. They have a specific pharmacological effect and a pleasant taste.
Nuts with honey
It is a popular dish that is recommended to increase the effectiveness. For the preparation you will need 50 G walnuts, 50 G hazelnuts, 50 G pine nuts, grind them and mix them with 100 G of honey. The resulting mixture is recommended, 1-2 times a day 1 tablespoon.
Products to increase the potency

There are a number of products, positive effects on Libido and erections. Among them, sea to mark fruits, nuts, honey and food that contains large quantities of zinc.
The seas and oceans gave
It is recommended in the diet:
- Cancers;
- Shrimp;
- Mussels;
- red caviar;
- Oysters;
- Mackerel.
For the preservation of the maximum number of nutrients, it is recommended to cook for a few seafood.
Miraculous Pumpkin
In the pumpkin products have a lot of different vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. For the strengthening of the male forces, it is recommended in the diet of the compression and pumpkin seeds themselves.
White wine
In the berry skin a large amount of antioxidants. The consumption of white wine in small quantities reduces the negative effects of free radicals, improvement of the Psycho-emotional background and expand the vessels. Apart from that, through the consumption of white wine in the prevention of coronary heart is disease.
Is a non-invasive method for the treatment of various male sexual illnesses. The method is an application of a vacuum cylinder onto the Penis. The cylinder that is to the genitals, resulting in lower blood pressure, which allows an improved circulation of the blood. The method is frequently used for the therapy of erectile dysfunction associated with vascular disease or senile changes.
In the case of the constant Stress or fear of intimacy because of the probability of failure of psychotherapy be necessary. In the case of bad experience sedatives appointed. Also, for the overcoming of the syndrome of failure of stimulants erection, to. After overcoming the fear of your approval expires.
Movement therapy
Physiotherapy can help improve the blood circulation in the pelvic area and get rid of stagnant processes. Exercise requires the muscles of the legs and pelvis, as well as a General burden for the body to deal with.
Training to The cone
For the targeted work to improve the potency, it is recommended that after the Training, The taper. During training need to exercise so-called pubic-coccygeal muscle.
Table. The execution of the exercises.
Name | The Principle |
The pelvic floor muscles clenched | For tension these muscles, the action must be run, which is normally used to deter the urge to urinate. Have to imagine that there is a strong urge to urinate and compress the muscles, which do not allow to do this. The voltage remains on for 5 seconds and then relax. Actions by 10-20 times to be repeated. |
Clenching the muscles of the Anus | Required for muscle contraction, 10-20 performing with the preservation of the tension for 5-7 seconds. |
Uplift of the basin lying on the back with bent knees | This exercise allows you to get rid of the stagnant processes. The number of repetitions — 10-12. |
Training to The cone improves the state of health of men and tone the muscles of the pelvis.
Vacuum Effect
Vacuum massage improves the potency by increasing the blood supply. The procedure in the Beauty Salon. Prior to the vacuum-Massage, we recommend the investigation happen to possible contraindications.
Physiotherapy method that is often used in various sexual disorders. The procedure is based on the use of a device for UV therapy. The mechanical impulses can recover the tissue and to form new small vessels, resulting in better filling of the Penis with blood during erection.
The treatment in the Tradition of ancient China
Eastern medicine offers many opportunities for the restoration of potency. Great attention is not only a specific Problem, but the health as a whole. Modern physiotherapy and drugs can quickly reach the goal, but do not forget about the reason for the problems. Want to change your lifestyle and prophylaxis on a regular basis.
Change Lifestyle
For the improvement of potency, note the following guidelines:
- avoid prolonged stationary state;
- perform the exercises with the muscles of the legs and of the pelvis;
- exclude from the life Smoking and reduce alcohol consumption;
- You eat foods rich in zinc.
If you are overweight a diet will need to make. The lower the percentage of body fat, the higher the level of testosterone. It is recommended that in an active Sport. If the professional activity in connection with the constant whereabouts in are sitting, you need every hour to get up and Training spend.
Regular Sex
Professional the skin the formation of stagnant processes avoids. Recommended number of sexual acts — not less than 1 time in 2 weeks. In an extreme case, the sexual act replacing Masturbation can be.
To get rid of bad habits
An exception to large quantities of alcohol and cigarettes improves the condition of the vascular system. This, in turn, have a positive impact on potency. Among the harmful habits, lack of exercise and lack of activity.
Contrasting Baths
To strengthen blood vessels, improve immunity and improve the General condition, you can shower a contrast. Alternating effect on the body with cold and hot water circulation System can streamline. Contrasting to be carried out, rinse it daily. Prior to the use of this procedure required the permission of the doctor. Among the contraindications Thrombophlebitis, severe diseases of blood vessels, cystitis differ, the presence of benign tumors.
Steam bath
Regular trips to the bathroom allow you to speed up the metabolism, relieve Stress and muscle tension, and eliminate toxins. Steam bath has a positive effect on potency, but only in the context of what is reasonable. Must not expose the body to high temperatures or longer periods of time in the Sauna. For the achievement of a positive outcome enough to the bathroom 1 time in the week.

How to improve the potency in 60 years
For the improvement of potency in the age of the following methods:
- Hormone therapy;
- special medications to improve blood flow;
- a adjustment of lifestyle.
In aging in the man's body reduces the production of testosterone, so the most efficient method as an application of hormonal preparations. The substitution therapy is able to strengthen Libido and erections.
Vitamins for the improvement of potency
For the reinforcement of the sexual possibilities of simple and complex vitamins is recommended. Also, separately used a dietary Supplement with zinc, and various herbs can be. You take vitamins must be in strict accordance with the instructions. Overdose does not lead to a strengthening of the will lead to effects and hypervitaminosis.
The opinion of the sexologists, and androlog is
Experts recommend that approach to fighting erectile dysfunction individually. There are many reasons for the decrease in potency. Some of them require serious medical treatment. To self-medicate, through the consumption of Viagra, or other means.
In the first place, it is necessary for a detailed examination. Even a serious reduction of testosterone levels or chronic Prostatitis can be treated by modern medicine.
Potency plays a crucial role in the life of every man. To save the sexual possibilities as long as possible, you need to have a healthy life style and avoidance of negative factors, which cause disease of the genitourinary system.